
United Women in Faith seeks to connect and

nurture women through Christian spiritual

formation, leadership development, creative

fellowship, and education so that they can

inspire, influence and impact local and global


"Mission Today" Units

The United Women in Faith of the Indiana Conference have

established 18 activities, some required and some optional,

designed to broaden concepts of mission and use of mission

resources and to energize United Women in Faith to become

more involved. When a Unit accomplishes these activities, it

becomes a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Unit according to the number of actions completed.

We CHOOSE to become a Mission Today Unit...

  • To encourage use of mission resources,
  • To increase contact between units and mission personnel

and mission projects, thus helping units understand where

their money goes,

  • To expand concepts of mission, including social justice as

mIssion, and

  • To energize United Women in Faith to be more involved in

mission through prayer, study and actions.

Channels of Giving

The purpose of United Women in Faith is to be in mission and set the agenda for its finances. Members may make pledges in February each year and the money given is the Women’s Division contribution to the mission work of the General Board of Global Ministries. There are five ways to give undesignated gifts for use by the Board of Global Ministries:

  1. Pledge to Mission - individual pledges are made to operate the local unit and meet the unit’s pledge to the District.
  2. World Thank Offering - a year-round way to thank God for his love and care by saving change, which is collected and offered once a year.
  3. Special Mission Recognition - a gift to mission by the unit as a means to honor a deserving person.
  4. Gift to Mission - gifts of money are sent by the unit or individuals to honor some special occasion.
  5. Gift in Memory - a way to honor a deceased person. The gift can be made by an individual or by the unit.

Units which use all the channels of giving and contribute to the Lucille Raines Residence, the School of Christian Mission, and Service Scholarships are called All Star Units. Gobin has been an All Star unit for several years.

A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial is a channel for designated giving and is observed in Circles once each year.

Links to our state and national missions.

Want to learn more about joining? Reach out to the church office for more info.

Church Office: (765)658-6010


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