In art, a mosaic is made by arranging small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns. In Gobin Mosaic, participants are invited to engage with a pattern of word and table that might be described as creative and diverse. Liturgies and prayers represent diverse and often minority populations.
Music will play a central role in the service and may be expressed through multiple genres. Whereas early Methodist hymnody was often used as a means to teach, in Mosaic, music will often be used as a means for connecting the participant to the holy through prayer and repetition. Gobin's own "house band" Gobin Worship Collective plays each Sunday representing talented musicians from the Greencastle community.
The full participation of children will be an intentional focus of the Mosaic worship experience. Children, after all, are full spiritual beings in the life of faith. They are not “future” church members, as is often assumed.
The Prayground is an interactive space designed for children to engage in worship through wonder, exploration, beauty and creative play. During the children’s blessing part of the service, children and an accompanying grownup are welcome to come to the front for a brief blessing and then proceed to the Prayground where they may continue worshipping through quiet exploration and creative play.
This is the full, beautiful, diverse body of Christ. Come join us!
Gobin Worship Collective
"You Are My Joy"