"The love of God creates in us such a oneing that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another, and in the sight of God all humans are oned, and one person is all people and all people are in one person," Julian of Norwich
Adult Class # 1 - Presence and Practice: A Prayer Journey with Pastor Joel Everson
Location: Peace Chapel
If you're seeking spiritual growth and a closer relationship with the Divine through prayer, 'Presence and Practice' is your opportunity. Join Pastor Joel Everson in this exploration of historic Christian prayer practices. Discover how to draw inspiration from the wisdom of the ages to deepen your connection with God.
Adult Class # 2 - The Forum: In The News - ongoing
Facilitator: Scott Harris
Location: Room 10
Good news? Bad news? Cable news? Yikes! How is a follower of Jesus expected to respond to current events? Karl Barth, one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century, put it this way: “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” More than a survey of current events, The Forum will provide space for participants
to consider the news through the lens of faith. Each week we will explore a lesson together drawn from the news events happening here and now.
Adult Class # 3 - Dancing With Words
Facilitator: Lisa Trigg
Location: Room 1
As people of faith, storytelling has special meaning. Dancing With Words shares an understanding of the history of storytelling and of storytellers as keepers of beliefs, traditions, history, and values new meaning in the stories and the storytellers of the Bible and of the Christian faith. Learn what makes a good story. Discover your own style as a storyteller. Study the techniques of effective storytelling. And practice creating stories from your own experience. Dancing With Words qualifies as Lay Servant Ministries credit for those who complete the 10 weeks of the class.
Student Classes
Kindergarten - High School
*The Nursery will be available for age 4 and under.