Commitment to Prayer

We warmly invite you to join us in prayer as we seek to deepen our relationship with God and one another. Prayer is a means of grace through which we can experience God's transforming love and grow in holiness of heart and life. It is one of the ways we learn to live fully as members of the body of Christ.

We have several opportunities to pray together:

In person prayer circle

Join us for our informal gathering in the Peace Chapel immediately following the Beginnings Service at 9am. This is an opportunity to share our joys and concerns, listen for God's voice, and lift one another up in prayer.

Weekly virtual prayer 

Join us for this time of spiritual growth and connection through prayer. Each week on Wednesday at 7:45am, we invite you to a virtual gathering to pray for one another. If you can, take a moment to light a candle and come together in spirit, sharing intentions and supporting each other through prayer. Votive candles are available in the sanctuary or by request.

Prayer requests and cards

If you have a need, concern, or joy you would like held in prayer, contact the church by phone at 765-658-6010, email your request to, or fill out a prayer card during one of our Sunday services. 

As John Wesley said, "Prayer is where the action is." We invite you to join us in this transformative practice as we open our hearts to God's grace and to one another. May we grow together in love, faith, and holiness.

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